Tag Archives: Paducah

Learn About Kentucky Water Nonprofits on KET


The new two-part series on nonprofits working with water premieres December 12th at 3pm on KETKY.

Our tenth episode, “What Would It Be Like Without Water”, Part Two, will feature segments on Paducah’s River Discovery Center where we’ll learn about commerce, travel, tourism and the history of the four rivers of Western Kentucky. Our second story will look at the Kentucky River Keeper, where we’ll learn about new river trails and recreational uses for our water systems, including dams along the Kentucky River.

Hosted by Brian Simmons, this show will outline what it would be like without these critical educational and protective initiatives and how our communities can get involved.


Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

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happy holidays from knowmore

We here at kNOwMORE would like to wish all of our fans, nonprofits, volunteers, interns and production team a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We’d also like to take a moment to thank our many sponsors and partners for their support this year. Including: the Kentucky Philanthropy Initiative, Kentucky American Water, Paducah Water, Paducah McCracken Joint Sewer District, Bluegrass Greensource, Hardy Propane and Gas, Hardy Oil, Angler’s Outpost & Marine, Kiwanis of Irvine, Hotsauce Records, The Lorch Family, Cintas, The William & Mary Jane Helm Trust and of course KET. We’ve had a blessed year and been able to help eleven nonprofits tell their stories. I’d like to give a special nod to the crew that have helped make this possible: Sam McGhee, producer; Nick Williams, production assistant & camera; Wyatt, Nia, Robert- interns; Haley Wolberton, production coordinator; Danny Meyer, scripting & social media; and Brian Simmons our host.

We’ve got great things planned for 2015 and if you’d like to see a nonprofit or community cause featured in one of our shows…NOMINATE THEM! If you’d like to sponsor or partner with us for a truly great state-wide cause, CONTACT US.

Until then HAPPY NEW YEAR and get ready for A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT in 2015.


“A mistake #organizations make when getting started on #Facebook#SOCIALMEDIA #VIDEOTIPS: Read Article

KICKSTART MY HEART. Or a #videocampaign. 7 Tips on #HOWTO DO IT. Learn More

quote of the month“I”ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.”

Maya Angelou

diss qr tagPlease Help Us Continue Educating our Communities in 2014.

We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these opportunities.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. Don’t forget to check us out at knowmorenonprofits.com

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Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 | www.knowmorenonprofits.com

The kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.

All Content © 2014 Prosper Media Group, Inc. 


Life Without Water Part 2: KETKY SAT, 12/06 @ 6:00a

Our tenth episode, “What Would It Be Like Without Water”, Part Two. In this concluding program, initiatives taken by Paducah’s River Discovery Center and Kentucky River Keeper to educate and protect water resources are highlighted.

Check local listings for channel availability. All times EST.



Hidden Highways

The River Discovery Center is a private, non-profit, educational institution whose primary mission is to stimulate an interest in and teach the public about the importance of America’s rivers to the development of the nation, and in particular upon the Four Rivers Region.

For twenty years, a group of people from Paducah realized and filled a need for a river/maritime museum. The River Discovery Center has used a variety of exhibits, including some interactive, to highlight and educate people on the importance of Paducah’s rich river history as well as the river industry.

Simulator 1

It is critical that the next generation of our community be educated on the importance of our rivers. While providing a water source for our region, our rivers also play a vital role in our environment and economy; after all, Paducah’s existence gives thanks to it’s geographical location on a river. Before the River Discovery Center opened, there was no place for our children to become “connected” to our rivers. Here, they have a place for fun learning about all aspects of our rivers.

For more information on the River Discovery Center please visit: http://riverdiscoverycenter.org

Our episode on Nonprofits and water is sponsored by:

Paducah Waterpaducah mccracken joint sewer agencykentucky american water