Tag Archives: live music

BEER CHEESE FESTIVAL- Winchester, Kentucky

beer-cheese-samplingIn 2014 the turnout for the Beer Cheese Festival was close to 12,000 people! Located in Winchester, Kentucky, the Beer Cheese Festival is a great place for local vendors to display and sell their arts and crafts. The best part about the festival is that you are able to sample beer cheese all day long. After you’ve decided on your favorite beer cheese, you can cast your vote!


Other than sampling cheese you can listen to live music, drink from the beer garden, and check out all the art and crafts booths. Some of the performing live music artists this year were Frontier, Kentucky Harvest Band, and BadTrain.

kNOwMORE nonprofits went out to film and learn about downtown Winchester and how this Beer Cheese festival supports the local community. Be sure to check out our kNOwMORE nonprofit segment about this festival!

A special thanks to the nonprofit, Main Street Winchester Foundation for sponsoring this event. With a mission to, “Ensure community development with long term viability of the downtown district as a cultural, civic, historical and commercial center through public and private commitment creating a prosperous and vibrant Main Street.” 

For more information about the Beer Cheese Festival, please visit: http://www.beercheesefestival.com/