Our eighth episode, “Nonprofits Keeping Kentucky Healthy” hosted by Brian Simmons, features segments on Kosair Charities Face It campaign against child abuse and Kids Cancer Alliance’s summer camp, both in Louisville, Kentucky. We’ll visit the operating rooms of Lexington’s nationally recognized Surgery on Sunday and meet the volunteer doctors providing treatment to those in need around the state. We’ll travel to Hyden, Kentucky to learn about the midwifery programs at Frontier Nursing University. This episode will outline what it would be like without these critical health initiatives and how our communities can get involved.
Check local listings for channel availability. All times EST.
FACE-IT MOVEMENT: KOSAIR CHARITIES Mission, history of organization:
Kosair Charities’ mission is to protect the health and well-being of children in Kentucky and Southern Indiana by providing financial support for clinical services, research, pediatric healthcare education, and child advocacy.
Problem being addressed: Kosair Charities along with 20 other children’s agencies launched a movement called “Face It” to help end Child Abuse in Kentucky and Southern Indiana by 2013. Child abuse has a thousand faces. The face of the parent who knows it and knows it won’t stop until they speak out. The face of the teacher who suspects it and says so. The face of the coach who knows the difference between tough love and a hurting child. The face of the pastor who chooses to be a guardian angel. The face of the neighbor who hears it and raises their voice against it.