Tag Archives: housing

Kentucky Nonprofits Housing Help

PREMIERING 2/16 @ 1:30pm on KETKY. We’ve got a good one coming your way this month! The 15th installment of our Emmy nominated educational television series features nonprofits helping to provide housing for Kentuckians, whether that be permenant or temporary.

We’ll be visiting the following agencies in and around the Bluegrass area to learn more about how they are helping an how YOU can get involved in some pretty fun and very worthy projects; Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House, Hope Lodge and the Urban League of Lexington all have unique stories to tell. You’ll not want to miss this 30 minute mini-documentary full of information you never knew about, but very likely, wish you had. TUNE IN this month!

Remember, you can watch past episodes of kNOwMORE on KETKY every Tuesday at 1:30pm est and Thursday at 7:00pm est.


Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

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To NOMINATE a specific nonprofit organization to be featured within one of our television broadcasts, fill out the form here.

Any type of organization is eligible. Upcoming themes may include: Nonprofits & Disabilities; Nonprofits & Art, Nonprofits & History, Nonprofits & Technology, Nonprofits & Start-ups

Applicant organization must be a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Applicant organization must be located and operating in Kentucky. Agency should be able to help secure a sponsor(s) for their segment.

We are looking to feature nonprofits that show:

Innovation – the organization is continually searching for new ways, solutions, and unconventional forms of work; adapting to the changing environment; and suggesting new ways of solving problems.

Measurable – a program or method that has had a demonstrated and measurable impact on the organization’s constituency.

Perpetuation –a well‐developed plan for continued sustainability of the program or method.

Kyle Lake

Executive Producer


Learn HOW to ‪#‎OPTIMIZE‬ your ‪#‎VideoContent‬ Strategy for #MOBILE READ this article.

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quote of the month“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
-Viktor Frankl

diss qr tagPlease Help Us Continue Educating our Communities in 2016.

We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these opportunities.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. Don’t forget to check us out at knowmorenonprofits.com
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Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 | www.knowmorenonprofits.com

The kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.

All Content © 2015 Prosper Media Group, Inc. 





“In 1998, a Hope Lodge in Lexington was conceived by a long time volunteer and cancer survivor, Bill Robbins, after seeing other Hope Lodges in the country.” It was discovered that almost 5,000 patients came from the surrounding areas of Lexington for cancer treatment. The Hope Lodge was created with a vision to give patients  that were receiving cancer treatment a free place to stay.


Sometimes it can be difficult for those patients to receive the care they need because they have to travel from away from home. This not only creates an emotional burden on them and their families but also a financial burden. By providing these patients and their families a free place to stay, it gives them one less thing to worry about when going through this difficult time.

kNOwMORE Nonprofits was at the Hope Lodge in Lexington and AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY HOPE LODGE LEXINGTON KYgot a chance to interview Director, Jason Young. He explained that the Hope Lodge helps these cancer patients going through a difficult time, feel a sense of community because the other residents are going through the same experience.


For more information please visit their website: http://www.cancer.org/treatment/supportprogramsservices/hopelodge/lexington/lexington-about-our-facility

A special thanks to our sponsor!




Ronald McDonald House LexThe Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Bluegrass has a mission, “To create and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children and to strengthen families by keeping them together in times of medical need.” This nonprofit organization provides a home for families that have a child in the hospital. They understand the importance of keeping families close together in difficult times.

Families that stay at the house can enjoy home- cooked meals, laundry facilities, 20 bedrooms with private bathrooms, indoor and outdoor playrooms for children, and transportation to and from local hospitals.

According to their website, “It costs around $72 per night, per room to operate the Ronald McDonald House program. To support ongoing operations, we encourage, but do not require, guests to make a donation of $10 per night (or whatever amount they are able) in order to ensure the availability of the House for future guests.” They do not turn away families that are unable to contribute.


If you wish to help out with the Ronald McDonald House you can volunteer, make a monetary donation or donate items from their wish list found online.

For more information please visit: http://www.rmhclexington.com/home.html


A special thanks for our sponsor!




foundersThe Urban League of Lexington—Fayette County is a nonprofit that was established in 1968.  Their mission is to, “Assist African Americans and disadvantaged citizens in the achievement of social and economic equality. They offer several programs in job training, education, computer skills, housing, community development and advocacy.”

The Urban League has a five-point empowerment strategy that focuses on local needs by following their mission. They focus on education and youth empowerment, economic empowerment, health and quality of life empowerment, civic engagement and leadership empowerment, civil rights and racial justice empowerment. urban

As part of our kNOwMORE nonprofits series about housing and nonprofits we interviewed the individuals involved in this powerful cause. The Urban League of Lexington has been building affordable rental single family homes since 2005. They have also renovated the Russell Elementary School with 27 affordable- one bedroom apartments for seniors 62 and older. Be sure to check out our new episode about housing and nonprofits in the Lexington area!


For more information about the Urban League of Lexington—Fayette County please visit: http://www.ullexfay.org/

A special thanks to our sponsor!


Kentucky Nonprofits Television Nomination


FESTIVALS: What’s your favorite Kentucky festival? Does it help raise funds for a local nonprofit or charity? If you know of a truly unique and fun event that is related to festivals for charity, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.

HISTORY: Whether they are helping to preserve it or educate us about it, History is a critical part of our Kentucky foundation. If you know of a deserving nonprofit or charitable cause that is related to history, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.

HOUSING:In addition to homeless people, there are many people that don’t know how to buy a house or can’t afford it. Fortunately for us, there are many nonprofits in our state that help people learn about housing and even provide it. If you know of a deserving nonprofit or charitable cause that is related to housing, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.


Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

CLICK to Subscribe to Our Newsletter


April 2015

Who LOVED the series on Employment in Kentucky? Our 12th episode featured Covington’s The Point ARC of Northern Kentucky, which provides educational, residential, social, and vocational opportunities for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. We also visited Lexington’s Opportunity For Work & Learning, which serves to create a world without barriers to employment. At the Dress For Success Fashion Show Fundraiser we learned more about what these programs are doing for the community to break down these barriers to employment.

Thank you to our sponsors: CINTAS, The William & Mary Jane Helm Trust. In addition to local Kentucky networks playing the 12th episode, the FULL show is available online NOW.

Full TV schedule for our series is available here: https://kynonprofitvideos.com/tv-schedule/ 


Why You Need Video in Your Nonprofit Marketing Plan: Read Article

3 Videos Your Nonprofit Marketing Plan Needs to Succeed (And Examples): Learn More

quote of the month“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties”Helen Keller

diss qr tagPlease Help Us Continue Educating our Communities in 2015.

We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these opportunities.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. Don’t forget to check us out at knowmorenonprofits.com

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Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 | www.knowmorenonprofits.com

The kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.

All Content © 2015 Prosper Media Group, Inc.