Tag Archives: charity

Kentucky History Kentucky Disabilities Nonprofits Featured In NEW Upcoming Episodes

COMING SOON: KY Nonprofits & Disabilities

Kentucky History Kentucky Disabilities Nonprofits Featured In NEW Upcoming Episodes

Kentucky History Kentucky Disabilities Nonprofits Featured In NEW Upcoming Episodes. One of our new shows for this fall will feature three nonprofits helping those with disabilities, Radio Eye Lexington, the Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies, and a unique children’s Playhouse program in Louisville. Radio Eye is a volunteer driven organization that helps people without the ability to read, regain some independence from their everyday challenges. The radio-station style studio setup located in a Library broadcasts readings from local newspapers, health tips, and even reads the grocery ads and coupons!

The Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies in Louisville, KY is an institution that serves children who suffer from disabilities that may affect everyday tasks. Through speech, occupational, and physical therapies, this nonprofit helps children achieve their full potential while coping with their disability.

The children’s Playhouse program gives kids a fun playhouse that is constructed based on their wishes, as well as their disabilities. All three nonprofits are always looking for people to get involved whether a volunteer reader at Radio Eye, construction expertise for a playhouse or simply taking a tour of the Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies Just spread the word about these amazing organizations and be sure and stay tuned for air dates of this new this episode made possible by Kosair Charities.

Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

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COMING SOON: KY Nonprofits & History

May 2016

Also in production for a Fall KET premiere, we take a look back through Kentucky’s history with the birthplace of Bill Monroe in Ohio County, the Behringer-Crawford Museum in Northern KY, and Ashland, the Henry Clay Estate in Lexington. These nonprofits will take us on a journey through the rich history of Kentucky through many interesting exhibits. Learn about the life of the man who is credited to have created Bluegrass music at the birthplace of Bill Monroe.
The Behringer-Crawford Museum is packed full of interesting artifacts including a two-headed calf, shrunken head, miniature city and other items dating back to the days mammoths used to roam the earth!
Finally, at Ashland we can learn about Henry Clay, The Great Compromiser. We learn that he was much more than just a politician, see a real-life reenactment and tour this beautiful estate!

This episode was made possible by Ohio County Tourism.

Remember, you can watch past episodes of kNOwMORE on KETKY every Tuesday at 1:30pm est and Thursday at 7:00pm est.



HOW TO use #VIDEO to build #COMMUNITY. CLICK TO LEARN MORE on #blogs, #websites & #creativity 

Does your organization need to EDUCATE its audience about your purpose, products or services? Better READ THIS!

quote of the month“Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.”
-Paulo Coelho

diss qr tagPlease Help Us Continue Educating our Communities in 2016.

We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these pportunities.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. Don’t forget to check us out at knowmorenonprofits.com
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Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 | www.knowmorenonprofits.com The kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.

All Content © 2015 Prosper Media Group, Inc. 


Kentucky Nonprofits Housing Help

PREMIERING 2/16 @ 1:30pm on KETKY. We’ve got a good one coming your way this month! The 15th installment of our Emmy nominated educational television series features nonprofits helping to provide housing for Kentuckians, whether that be permenant or temporary.

We’ll be visiting the following agencies in and around the Bluegrass area to learn more about how they are helping an how YOU can get involved in some pretty fun and very worthy projects; Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House, Hope Lodge and the Urban League of Lexington all have unique stories to tell. You’ll not want to miss this 30 minute mini-documentary full of information you never knew about, but very likely, wish you had. TUNE IN this month!

Remember, you can watch past episodes of kNOwMORE on KETKY every Tuesday at 1:30pm est and Thursday at 7:00pm est.


Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

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To NOMINATE a specific nonprofit organization to be featured within one of our television broadcasts, fill out the form here.

Any type of organization is eligible. Upcoming themes may include: Nonprofits & Disabilities; Nonprofits & Art, Nonprofits & History, Nonprofits & Technology, Nonprofits & Start-ups

Applicant organization must be a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Applicant organization must be located and operating in Kentucky. Agency should be able to help secure a sponsor(s) for their segment.

We are looking to feature nonprofits that show:

Innovation – the organization is continually searching for new ways, solutions, and unconventional forms of work; adapting to the changing environment; and suggesting new ways of solving problems.

Measurable – a program or method that has had a demonstrated and measurable impact on the organization’s constituency.

Perpetuation –a well‐developed plan for continued sustainability of the program or method.

Kyle Lake

Executive Producer


Learn HOW to ‪#‎OPTIMIZE‬ your ‪#‎VideoContent‬ Strategy for #MOBILE READ this article.

The Five Most Important ‪#‎ContentMarketing‬ Trends For 2016! CLICK HERE…

quote of the month“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
-Viktor Frankl

diss qr tagPlease Help Us Continue Educating our Communities in 2016.

We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these opportunities.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. Don’t forget to check us out at knowmorenonprofits.com
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Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 | www.knowmorenonprofits.com

The kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.

All Content © 2015 Prosper Media Group, Inc. 




PREMIERING 12/1 @ 1:30pm on KETKY. For our 13th episode, “Festivals and Fundraising,” we visited three unique Kentucky festivals: Winchester’s Beer Cheese Festival, Lexington’s Woodland Arts Fair, and Fort Harrod’s Beef Festival. Our camera crew also visited the Moontower Music Festival, the backdrop for this exciting new episode.

The 10th annual Fort Harrods Beef Festival was hosted this year at the Mercer County Fairgrounds in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. The festival showcases Kentucky’s beef industry, which is the largest east of the Mississippi and eighth largest overall.
As with the Beef Festival, Winchester’s Beer Cheese Festival is a great place for local vendors to display and sell their arts and crafts. Unsurprisingly, our favorite part about the festival was that we got to sample beer cheese all day long—and then vote on our favorite one!
Episode 13 concludes with a visit to an event that hosts 200 artists, live music, and food and fun for the whole family: the 40th annual Woodland Arts Fair. Event sponsor the Lexington Art League envisions a world where art, artists, and art-making are central to human inspiration, self-realization, and meaning—and this vision certainly shone through during our enjoyable visit there.



Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

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Kentucky Festivals Fundraising Fun



For our 13th episode, “Festivals and Fundraising,” we visited three unique Kentucky festivals: Winchester’s Beer Cheese Festival, Lexington’s Woodland Arts Fair, and Fort Harrod’s Beef Festival. Our camera crew also visited the Moontower Music Festival, the backdrop for this exciting new episode.

The 10th annual Fort Harrods Beef Festival was hosted this year at the Mercer County Fairgrounds in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. The festival showcases Kentucky’s beef industry, which is the largest east of the Mississippi and eighth largest overall.
As with the Beef Festival, Winchester’s Beer Cheese Festival is a great place for local vendors to display and sell their arts and crafts. Unsurprisingly, our favorite part about the festival was that we got to sample beer cheese all day long—and then vote on our favorite one!
Episode 13 concludes with a visit to an event that hosts 200 artists, live music, and food and fun for the whole family: the 40th annual Woodland Arts Fair. Event sponsor the Lexington Art League envisions a world where art, artists, and art-making are central to human inspiration, self-realization, and meaning—and this vision certainly shone through during our enjoyable visit there.


Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

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NEW! Inside Northern Kentucky Show Premiering on KET

April 2015

One more bit of exciting news. November 16, 2015 marked the release of the first episode of the Inside Northern Kentucky series on the KET Network. Prosper Media Group, producers of the Emmy nominated series kNOwMORE Nonprofits, has been selected to produce the series. “We are excited about a quality program that will help the rest of the state understand just how special Northern Kentucky is,” said Judy Clabes, editor and publisher of the Northern Kentucky Tribune and executive producer of Inside Northern Kentucky.
According to the Northern Kentucky Tribune, “The shows will be ‘news magazine’ style features, with four to five story segments and interesting sidebars about the three-county region.” Everyone involved in production of these stories is very excited for the rest of the state to hear about all the great things that have been happening in Northern Kentucky!
Our first episode features Southbank Partners, Tim Hanner’s Navigo Scholars, the renowned Harry Sparks, and an interesting story about Paw-Paws, a new cash crop for Northern Kentucky. It will appear on KETKY at 9:00 am and again at 7:30 pm on Thursday, November 19, and at 10:00PM on Friday, November 27. The first episode will also appear on KET on Saturday, November 21 at 12:30 am and again at 3:00 p.m.

Stay tuned
and for more information please visit: http://www.nkytribune.com/


Most organizations have heard of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but many do not know about Reddit. Reddit’s tagline brags that it is the “front page of the Internet.” For more information about Reddit please read this article.

Is your company or nonprofit guilty of making these five Twitter mistakes?

Learn what they are in this story.

quote of the month“Without work, all life goes rotten, but when work is soulless, life stifles and dies.”

-Albert Camus

diss qr tagPlease Help Us Continue Educating our Communities in 2015.

We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these opportunities.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. Don’t forget to check us out at knowmorenonprofits.com

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Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 | www.knowmorenonprofits.com

The kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.

All Content © 2015 Prosper Media Group, Inc. 



Ronald McDonald House LexThe Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Bluegrass has a mission, “To create and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children and to strengthen families by keeping them together in times of medical need.” This nonprofit organization provides a home for families that have a child in the hospital. They understand the importance of keeping families close together in difficult times.

Families that stay at the house can enjoy home- cooked meals, laundry facilities, 20 bedrooms with private bathrooms, indoor and outdoor playrooms for children, and transportation to and from local hospitals.

According to their website, “It costs around $72 per night, per room to operate the Ronald McDonald House program. To support ongoing operations, we encourage, but do not require, guests to make a donation of $10 per night (or whatever amount they are able) in order to ensure the availability of the House for future guests.” They do not turn away families that are unable to contribute.


If you wish to help out with the Ronald McDonald House you can volunteer, make a monetary donation or donate items from their wish list found online.

For more information please visit: http://www.rmhclexington.com/home.html


A special thanks for our sponsor!




Lasso“The festival is designed to showcase Kentucky’s beef industry. Kentucky is the largest beef cattle producing state east of the Mississippi, and ranks 8th in US production. We are in the business of promoting and educating the public about the production, distribution, and selling of beef from the farm to the marketplace.”


The 10th annual Fort Harrods Beef Festival was hosted this year at the Mercer County Fairgrounds in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. This festival is great for all ages with activities such as inflatables for the kids, a youth competition grill off, live music, local vendors, and antique cars!

Beef Festival

There’s also a progressive dinner with beef cuisine from local caterers and a Spirit and Bourbon tasting! Who doesn’t love some Kentucky Bourbon? With paint balling, arts & crafts, wine & cheese tasting, 5k run/walk, pageants, and carnival corral this festival is surely one to remember!

kNOwMORE nonprofits went out to this festival to film and learn about Harrodsburg and how this festival supports the local community. Be sure to check out our kNOwMORE nonprofit segment about this festival!

For more information on the Fort Harrods Beef Festival please visit: http://www.fortharrodbeeffestival.org/index.html

A special thanks to the sponsors!


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY- Lexington, Kentucky

KY-HFH-Frame-StandingThe Lexington Habitat for Humanity was established in 1986 with a vision that everyone has a decent place to live. “Lexington Habitat for Humanity is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope.”

On July 24th, 2015 Lexington Habitat for Humanity teamed up with 50 Lexington Police cadets and Department of Corrections trainees to make a difference in local neighborhoods. This event was part of the Love Your Neighborhood project. The volunteers spent the morning mowing lawns, landscaping, cleaning fencing and removing limbs along the roadside. They wanted to show the community that the individuals serving in their community really do care and wanted to make a difference in the public areas.


kNOwMORE nonprofits was at the cleanup to film and interview individuals about the Love Your Neighborhood project. This segment is part of our series about Kentucky nonprofits & housing. Make sure to tune in and check out our new episode about housing!



To get involved you may donate or volunteer to help build the next local project! For more information please visit their website at: http://lexhabitat.org/




Special thanks to our sponsors:

Thrivent FInancial SponsorAshland-Logo-EPS-vector-image

WOODLAND ART FAIR- Lexington, Kentucky

woodland arts fairThe year 2015 marked the 40th Annual Woodland Arts Fair! The Woodland Art Fair is hosted by Nancy Barron and Nancy Barron & Associates, Inc. This local community event hosts 200 artists, live music & food and fun for the whole family.

With a mission to challenge, educate, engage, and enhance our community through visual art, The Lexington Art League envisions a world where artartists, and art-making are central to human inspiration, self-realization, and meaning.

The “Big Tent” started at the Woodland Art Fair in 2013. It was used as a way to show the Lexington Art League’s presence at the fair. It now provides interactive art experiences for all ages. There will be four featured artists at the Big Tent this year. The 2015 featured artists are Matthew Cook of Border State, David Kenton Kring, Dronex, and Sarah Jane Sanders. kNOwMORE nonprofits was out at the festival interviewing individuals about the nonprofits that help support and run these festivals!

woodland arts fair







For more information on the Woodland Art Fair please visit: http://www.lexingtonartleague.org/woodland-art-fair.html 

A special thanks to our sponsor!

lexington art league

Kentucky Nonprofits Television Nomination


FESTIVALS: What’s your favorite Kentucky festival? Does it help raise funds for a local nonprofit or charity? If you know of a truly unique and fun event that is related to festivals for charity, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.

HISTORY: Whether they are helping to preserve it or educate us about it, History is a critical part of our Kentucky foundation. If you know of a deserving nonprofit or charitable cause that is related to history, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.

HOUSING:In addition to homeless people, there are many people that don’t know how to buy a house or can’t afford it. Fortunately for us, there are many nonprofits in our state that help people learn about housing and even provide it. If you know of a deserving nonprofit or charitable cause that is related to housing, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.


Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

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April 2015

Who LOVED the series on Employment in Kentucky? Our 12th episode featured Covington’s The Point ARC of Northern Kentucky, which provides educational, residential, social, and vocational opportunities for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. We also visited Lexington’s Opportunity For Work & Learning, which serves to create a world without barriers to employment. At the Dress For Success Fashion Show Fundraiser we learned more about what these programs are doing for the community to break down these barriers to employment.

Thank you to our sponsors: CINTAS, The William & Mary Jane Helm Trust. In addition to local Kentucky networks playing the 12th episode, the FULL show is available online NOW.

Full TV schedule for our series is available here: https://kynonprofitvideos.com/tv-schedule/ 


Why You Need Video in Your Nonprofit Marketing Plan: Read Article

3 Videos Your Nonprofit Marketing Plan Needs to Succeed (And Examples): Learn More

quote of the month“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties”Helen Keller

diss qr tagPlease Help Us Continue Educating our Communities in 2015.

We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these opportunities.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. Don’t forget to check us out at knowmorenonprofits.com

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View it in your browser.

Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 | www.knowmorenonprofits.com

The kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.

All Content © 2015 Prosper Media Group, Inc. 


TUNE IN April 8th + kNOwMORE FUN: Lex End Poverty



In 1964 the Community Action Council of Lexington, KY was created by Lyndon Johnson based on the war on poverty. They created it with a vision to provide equality through all walks of people’s lives. Everyone should have the opportunity for housing, sustainable employment, and the equality of life that many others enjoy. Recently CAC hosted their seventh annual Lex End Poverty at the Lyric Theater and Cultural Arts Center to get the community to involved in a conversation about poverty. Topics included: building livable communities and encouraging the community to help those that want to help themselves get out of poverty. The Community Action Council is here to help the community get involved to prevent, reduce, and eliminate poverty. For 50 years they have been helping to end poverty with the communities investment.


Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com

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April 2015

Our twelfth episode on nonprofits and employment premieres on KETKY Wednesday, April 8 at 10:30 pm EDT. This new series highlights Kentucky nonprofits that are making it possible for individuals with disabilities to have the same chance of employment as everyone else. Our coverage begins with Covington’s The Point ARC of Northern Kentucky, providing educational, residential, social, and vocational opportunities for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. We’ll also visit Lexington’s Opportunity For Work & Learning, which serves to create a world without barriers to employment. Hosted by Brian Simmons, we’ll interview folks at the Dress For Success Fashion Show Fundraiser and learn more about what these programs are doing for the community by breaking down these barriers to employment.

Thank you to our sponsors: CINTAS, The William & Mary Jane Helm Trust.