Tag Archives: Central Kentucky Riding for Hope


Screen Shot 2013-11-20 at 8.09.59 PMCentral Kentucky Riding for Hope is dedicated to enriching the community by improving the quality of life and the health of children and adults with special physical, cognitive, emotional and social needs through therapeutic activities with the horse. The loss of CKRH denies healthy, workable horses a second career as an equine therapist, a setting that typically extends their lifespan and maintains their intrinsic need for human contact.

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The nearly 210 weekly volunteers who work at CKRH throughout the year are denied the personal joy of contributing to a valuable community service, and access to an agrarian setting…something that is getting harder to find with constant land development. Furthermore, the industry of Therapeutic Riding loses no only a practicing Premier Certified Center, but access to staff and a facility which is regularly used for state/Southeast region certification workshops. Lastly, it is the community of Central Kentucky who loses a value asset.

As the so-called Horse Capital of the World, we would be remiss if we did not demonstrate yet

ckrh_1another way that equines can positively contribute to the human experience. Click to watch this story.

For more information on Central Kentucky Riding For Hope please visit: http://www.ckrh.org/

Nonprofits & Animals- Part II


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The mission of the Kentucky Equine Humane Center is to provide humane treatment and shelter while working as a clearinghouse to seek adoptive homes for Kentucky’s unwanted equines, regardless of breed. To educate the public and raise awareness for responsible equine ownership so that fewer horses end up in crisis. To work with and serve as a model for organizations with the same mission in other states: to save America’s equines from inhumane treatment. Click to watch this story.
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