Tag Archives: caring


To help persons recently diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones navigate the path through diagnosis, treatment and recovery by pairing them with a trained survivor of a similar experience so they can face cancer with someone who’s been there.

Established in 1988, Friend for Life is a network of survivors and co-survivors (caregivers) who serve as trained volunteers, providing one-on-one emotional and psycho-social support to persons recently diagnosed with cancer, and their loved ones. Facing cancer with someone who has been through a similar experience helps restore a sense of stability during a tumultuous time and to navigate the path through diagnosis, treatment and recovery. 32076_403381077169_2021273_n

Who we are
Friend for Life is a non-profit support network of cancer survivors who serve the emotional and psychological needs of persons recently diagnosed with cancer, and their loved ones. These services are offered free of charge.

How we can help
We match persons recently diagnosed with any form of cancer as closely as possible with a trained volunteer who has encountered the same type of cancer and similar course of treatment.

Wherever possible, we also match for age and gender. Our volunteers do not advise or participate in medical decisions, but offer compassionate insights into their own experiences of coping with cancer. We can help you sort through the overwhelming feelings that often accompany a cancer diagnosis. Support is also available for family and friends. 


For more information, please visit their website at: 