Fundraiser for ANIMALS in the BLUEGRASS

Animals of the Bluegrass Donation

You MUST CHOOSE CUSTOM donation, in the comments field type KNOWMORE.

HELP US raise money to support 3 nonprofits, Making A Difference Now, Spay Our Strays and Old Friends Farm. All donations will go to Making A Difference Now (Madn) which will then be dispersed to the above groups, in addition, funds raised will go toward a sponsorship for a very special tv episode to be produced for these great groups.
The new episode will be produced this summer and air statewide later in the year on PBS affiliate KET. Each agency will also receive their very own digital video segment to use for marketing, fundraising, volunteers, etc. Donate Direct, type the word KNOWMORE in

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Comments section; or through our Facebook  charity page.

Watch the video above to learn about kNOwMORE.

Here’s a bit more about the agencies :

The mission of Making a Difference Now, Inc. is to help homeless, abandoned and feral animals, and the volunteers and organizations that serve them; to support organizations with similar goals; and to advocate for animals everywhere.

Old Friends provides a dignified retirement to Thoroughbreds whose racing and breeding careers have come to an end. By promoting these one-time celebrated horses through a campaign of education and tourism, we hope to raise awareness of all equines in need.

Spay Our Strays Inc. community cat program is a 501(c)(3) all-volunteer nonprofit organization. Members advocate a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) policy to maintain healthy community cat colonies. Spay Our Strays Inc. is funded exclusively through private donations and grants. We use those funds to provide low-cost neuter and spay clinics for community cats in Lexington, KY and the surrounding area.


educational television sponsorship underwriting
“kNOw MORE” a 5-Time Emmy nominated educational television series provides current, informative and educational overviews of impactful nonprofits located throughout Kentucky. We recognize that without these nonprofits the health and stability of our communities would be at risk. Our shows appear on a variety of television stations including including KET, Paducah, Louisville, Bell County & Northern Kentucky .  All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.KENTUCKY NONPROFIT VIDEO SERVICES

MISSION: In order to motivate
people to find their passion for helping, kNowMore
Nonprofits provides current, informative and educational overviews of impactful nonprofits
located throughout Kentucky, recognizing that without these nonprofits the health and stability of our communities would be at risk.

OBJECTIVE: This educational series will further awareness about the work being accomplished by non-profit agencies across all nonprofit sectors throughout the state of Kentucky. A citizen should be able to name (at least) 5 local nonprofit agencies in their community and know what they do. KNOW MORE or NO MORE.

Thanks to our sponsors and underwriters we are able to travel across the state (from Pikeville to Paducah) and cover stories on various nonprofit agencies.KENTUCKY NONPROFIT SERVICES EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION

CALL TO ACTION: Start a conversation, get involved, volunteer, donate, spread the word or get help from your local non- profit agencies.