FESTIVALS: What’s your favorite Kentucky festival? Does it help raise funds for a local nonprofit or charity? If you know of a truly unique and fun event that is related to festivals for charity, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.
HISTORY: Whether they are helping to preserve it or educate us about it, History is a critical part of our Kentucky foundation. If you know of a deserving nonprofit or charitable cause that is related to history, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.
HOUSING:In addition to homeless people, there are many people that don’t know how to buy a house or can’t afford it. Fortunately for us, there are many nonprofits in our state that help people learn about housing and even provide it. If you know of a deserving nonprofit or charitable cause that is related to housing, share it with us and it may be featured on our next kNOwMORE nonprofit series. Nominate Here.
Get involved today 888.528.1999 www.knowmorenonprofits.com
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