THE POINT OF ARC- Northern Kentucky

The Point ARC of Northern Kentucky

Mission, History of Organization:

social-300The Point ARC of No. Ky. was chartered June 6, 1972.  We are the result of a merger between two parent groups – one from Campbell Co. (HARC) and the parents of children at Riverside Good-Counsel School where prior to the enactment of PL 94-142, in 1976-77, was the segregated school where all children with mental retardation attended. NKAR (No. Ky. Association For Retarded Citizens) was name selected and we joined the state and national associations.  When the law was passed mandating public education for all, students 6 through 21 were filtered into their district schools and the need for us to raise funds to support transportation needs and maintain the building ended.  Under the leadership of Judi Gerding who was board chair after this transition NKAR’S focus went to “filling in the service gaps” for those exiting public education at age 21.

In 42 “short” years we are a full-service agency providing educational, residential, social, and vocational opportunities for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities.  In the mid nineties we officially changed our name to The Point/Arc of No. Ky. in compliance with the state and national in an effort to remove the “r” word from our title.

We’ve come from a zero budget in 1972 to 5 million in 2014.  Uniquely we remain less than 24 % government funded and our goal is to be self-sufficient.

Problem being addressed:vocational

We currently have 9 group homes, 3 social enterprises.   Pre-Voc and Career Development classes, and case management programs are conducted in our Point Learning Center.   Our Employment Program offers Job Placement & lifelong follow-up.  Our Activities Program offers weekly, monthly & quarterly social offerings,  We have 15 properties & 15 vehicles to maintain,  We directly serve over 400 participants annually and thousands indirectly through our “Everybody Counts” awareness program and dances.


Believe our problem is the best kind to have.  Our #1 goal this year is for everyone in the Commonwealth to know who we are and what we offer to our community and the population we serve.  Our theory is – once people hear our story the volunteer and financial support follows.  We’ve been so busy “doing” and too little staff or time to “toot our own horn.”  We’re ready to tell everyone about the quality of our programs.

For more information, please visit their website at:

Featured Sponsors for The Point ARC


The William & Mary Jane Helm Trust