CLICK HERE to watch a “PREVIEW” of our upcoming series on water.
So, can you name 5 nonprofits working with water?
The new two-part series on nonprofits working with water premieres November 10th at 5pm on KETKY. Our ninth episode, “What Would It Be Like Without Water”, Part One, will feature segments on Bluegrass Greensource’s Conservation programs; and we’ll also be visiting clean-up efforts along the Ohio River in Rabbit Hash, KY organized by ORSANCO and their annual River Sweep program.
Our tenth episode, “What Would It Be Like Without Water”, Part Two, will feature segments on Paducah’s River Discovery Center where we’ll learn about commerce, travel, tourism and the history of the four rivers of Western Kentucky. Our second story will look at the Kentucky River Keeper, where we’ll learn about new river trails and recreational uses for our water systems, including dams along the Kentucky River.
Both episodes, hosted by Brian Simmons, will outline what it would be like without these critical educational and protective initiatives and how our communities can get involved.
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The Greater Cincy Point Golf Ball Drop includes university students, patrons, the news media and the public-at-large who join with one of the regions’ most important social services, The Point/Arc of NKY. The “drop” happens
November 1, @ 1:00 PM@ Marge Schott Baseball Stadium on the University of Cincinnati campus in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Visit here to purchase a Golf Ball Chance.
Student and social service organizations are selling Wiffle (Golf) Balls which result in large funds raised directly for charity. Winners (at the event) will receive prizes and cash. This is likely to be the world’s largest drop of numbered Wiffle balls.
90,000 Wiffle Balls will be dropped at this public ceremony, from a large pelican (constructed by Department 7) hanging from a Sykorsky Helicopter from Midwest Helicopter Airways, Inc.
Local celebrities will participate in the festivities presented by Together-Together, The Point/Arc of NKY and TSFF; who jointly recognize the leadership opportunity represented by this collaboration (Project Pelican) demonstrating to the entire community- the POWER of TOGETHER!. Learn more HERE.
Why The Day & Time You Post on Social Media Matters.” Some REALLY good #socialmediatip: Read Article
DYK: ONLINE VIDEO will make up nearly 70% of consumer net traffic by 2017. Learn More
“Free speech carries with it some freedom to listen.”
–Bob Marley |
Please Help Us Continue Educating our Communities in 2014.
We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these opportunities.
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Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 | www.knowmorenonprofits.comThe kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.All Content © 2014 Prosper Media Group, Inc. |