Saturday June 21st @ 6pm our cameras will be rolling at GIVE INTO THE GROOVE 2014. We’ll be documenting a special “Behind The Scenes” look at the event and showcasing the importance of music in community fundraising and what would happen WITHOUT. Here’s the coolest of cool parts– YOU ARE ALL INVITED! More details here:
“Give Into The Groove is a feel-good benefit featuring live & electronic music, multimedia art & fashion. With the purpose of drawing attention to community needs & unleashing artists of all ages, Give Into The Groove’s mission is to raise awareness for local organizations and charities and encourage people of all ages to get involved in philanthropy.
Because we believe in year round all ages affordable philanthropy, we sponsor other events and community projects year round to get the party started!
And it all culminates at WHITAKER BANK BALLPARK this year!!!!”
Get involved today 888.528.1999
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VOLUNTEER: RIVER SWEEP 2014- Sat. June 21st |
Since 1989, this award-winning cleanup for the Ohio River and its River Sweep encompasses the entire length of the river, from its origin in Pittsburgh, PA to its end in Cairo, IL, including nearly 3,000 miles of shoreline and its many tributaries. More than 18,000 volunteers from public organizations, civic groups, recreational clubs, and the general public in six states bordering the river come together to collect more than 7,000 tons of trash and other debris from the banks of the Ohio River and tributaries. River Sweep is an event organized by the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, an interstate water pollution agency for the Ohio River Valley, along with environmental protection and natural resource agencies from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. VOLUNTEER FOR IT!
What MISTAKES are being MADE in #VideoMarketing? Find out at: Read Article SEO FRIENDLY CONTENT? Here’s 5 Tips for creating it. USE #video platforms to PROMOTE your BRAND.Learn More |
“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” –Albert Einstein |
We have corporate sponsor and underwriting opportunities available. Put your organization’s name on a great cause that is seen state-wide. If your organization has a passion for any of the above topics, or you know of a corporation that supports causes and charities dedicated to these areas of importance, please have them contact us so that we may share these opportunities. Thank you for reading our newsletter. Don’t forget to check us out at |
Prosper Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 55182 Lexington, KY 40555 | 888.528.1999 |
The kNOwMORE educational television series currently airs on PBS affiliate KET as well as CCTV in Northern Kentucky. All show segments are also available in HD on-line, on-demand 24/7.
All Content © 2014 Prosper Media Group, Inc.